Heat Recovery Ventilators – What You Need to Know
Before oil price skyrocketed, most homeowners were happy to just crank the thermostat at the first sign of winter. But now, consumers are more cautious than ever and are always looking for new ways to keep the temperature up, without having to turn to oil and gas – enter Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs).
What Are They?
This simple yet powerful device pushes warm air into your house, while simultaneously moving stale air out. Depending on the model, HRVs can recover up to 85% of the heat leaving your home in a typical day. These systems are best for newly built, moisture-prone homes because they replace a home’s humid air with dry, fresh air.
Why Ventilate?
When houses were built 50 years ago, they usually had small gaps in the window frames and siding. These spaces allowed air to pass through a house, even if it was technically closed up. Fast forward to today and builders are looking for every way to seal up small cracks for the sake of energy efficiency. While that may sound like you’re getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to heating, it started to cause another problem – mold and mildew began popping up in homes across America.
Why Not Open a Window?
To many, the solution was simple – crack a window to let air in. While that may work in the spring and summer, it still did not solve the problem during colder months and only ventilated a small area of the house.
At Leslie Heating & Cooling, we’re dedicated to keeping you comfortable and helping you save on heating costs. We are a family-owned and operated business based in Woodridge, Illinois and are here for all of your HVAC emergency needs, heating installation, and maintenance. To learn more, give us a call at (630) 576-9235.