Mistakes You’re Making with Your HVAC System
When the fall temperatures begin to cool off, you start to rely more and more on your home’s HVAC system to keep you warm and comfortable. But these systems can be tricky if not used and maintained properly. To help you get the most out of our HVAC system this season, here are four mistakes you want to avoid:
Turning the thermostat too high. When the temps outside are cool, it’s only natural to want to crank the thermostat high to heat up your home more quickly. But truth is, turning the thermostat on even the highest temperature won’t warm up your space any sooner. They key is to stay patient if you want to save money and keep your HVAC system running well.
Turning it down too low at night. If you’re shivering in the morning, chances are you’re turning your heat down too much at night. Instead of blasting your heat in the morning to make up for low temperatures, keep it at a moderate setting all day and all night (unless you’re not home, of course).
Heating while you’re away. Letting your heat run for hours while you’re not at home can cost you an unneeded expense. It’s a good idea to give your heating system a rest by either shutting it off for a little while or by installing a programmable thermostat.
Keeping the curtains closed. On sunny days, don’t let the sun get away from you – allow as much sunlight in as possible by keeping your curtains wide open, especially those facing the south side of your home. Solar energy is an efficient way to give your HVAC system a rest, which can ultimately help you to lower heating bills.
At Leslie Heating and Cooling, we believe that efficiency and comfort is key to a happy household. That is why we offer programmable thermostats to let you design specific settings and help you save money at home. To learn more about the heating services we provide, visit our website or calling us at (630) 576-9235.